who is a pontius pilate?
we all are. man's depravity is only amplified by god's grace.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Christianity & Nintendo
The Wii, the Truth & The Life

The Wii (pronounced "we") has been outselling its more powerful rivals, Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3. The $250 machine from Nintendo has been in short supply in stores since its launch last November.

But less hype, and more on why Christianity today, is much like the Wii...

1. Sometimes we break it

Statistics say that as high as 35% of Wii owners who bought before the wrist-straps were re-issued, were slinging their Wii remotes across the room, 12% of them damaging either the controller, or something in the room.

Statistics also say that more than 50% of so-called "Christian" homes will experience a major relationship breakdown at some point, including divorce, abuse, or suicide. The similarities here are staggering.

Are we making sure we are strapped to our "controller?" What about our Bibles? Strapped to our wrists? Not usually. What about our Faith? Strapped? Not usually. Or, if so, the cord holding us to these things is so thin it will snap when confronted by a small amount of pressure.

Solution: Get a new wrist-strap, and hang on (Discard the sham, embrace the Truth)

2. Sometimes it's a little shaky

Unless you're pointing the Wii controller directly at the screen in some RPG's or first-person shooters, you will experience the dizzying spin known as the "Wii-free." Although some games (including Capcom's only Wii release) have overhauled their shooter-control system, Wii is still less popular in this area, especially to lazy shooters.

Similarly, our lives somtimes spin out of control, but this is only when we are not pointing at the main Thing. If we keep our focus on Christ, we'll never experience the Wii-free, we will always be on target, and (excuse the pun) at the top of our game. Maybe, for many of us, it's time to overhaul our system; re-focus, and get our priorities straight.

Solution: Keep your focus on the game, don't be distracted ("Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us")


Joy said...

That's true! And when you work out "consistantly" with the Wii fitness program, you learn how to use the controler and are better equipped for later games. When we walk in the Word "daily", we learn how to wield the "Sword" and combat evil when it comes along, as we know our "Weapon" like the back of our hand (do we know it as well as the ins and outs of our favorite Wii game?).

Anonymous said...

good article "the wii the truth and life" thats too funny but the observations are true